Enfant Terrible

Žanras: Feature film / Trailer
Metai: 2019/2020
Trukmė: 01:59 min
Aprašymas: The episodic feature film focuses on the life and work of Rainer Werner Fassbinder, who polarised both professionally and privately, and who is undoubtedly Germany's most important filmmaker of the last 50 years. In stylised, theatrical settings the film shows Fassbinder's genius, the harassment to which he exposed his environment not only through his work frenzy, and the search for love that drove him throughout his life. Director Oskar Roehler aesthetically adapts his biopic to Fassbinder's universe.
Tiekėjas: DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum
Teisės: In Copyright / Weltkino Filmverleih GmbH (Leipzig/Feldafing)
Director: Oskar Roehler
Dokumento tipas:
Language: de